The theater in the forest offers a show by Benoît Vitse.

Here is a man who spent almost fifteen years in prison for refusing any compromise with oppression. And yet, his texts are full of tenderness and a communicative joy of living. From trial to trial, Nâz?m Hikmet will go through chaotic years, the promises of an amnesty never kept, until the victory at the end of a perilous hunger strike in 1950. But during all these years, he was constantly threatened with death by hanging and subjected to the cruel illusions of a liberation that receded every time it was thought to be near. To this must be added the years during which he had to leave his country, Turkey, and he wrote: "Exile is a hard job".

Nevertheless, this man will continue to believe in man and to write. And his texts are of a strength that still amazes us today. Yes, we are astonished by both the simplicity of his poems and the modernity of his writing. He has indeed totally renewed this art. The poetry of Nâz?m Hikmet is carrying a voice, a language, a content different from the traditional conception. He will be a precursor. Such was Nâz?m Hikmet, an exceptional explorer of the human condition, through the grace and power of a poetic instrument that owes nothing to tradition. But by his simplicity, his rhythm, his emotional charge, his constant tension towards the truth, Nâz?m Hikmet made language a poetics of knowledge and limpidity.

Dates of the festivities

the 09/06/2023
from 19h00 to 20h15


Théâtre dans la Forêt
4 rue de la fontaine
Hameau de Parlatges

GPS coordinates : 43.7786246 / 3.41738883

Means of communication

Means of communication (reservation)


Reception of groups : no


  • Local animation
  • Show

Mandatory reservation


Office de Tourisme LODEVOIS ET LARZAC

7, Place du Rialto
34700 LODEVE

+33(0)4 67 88 86 44

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sat. 27 jul. Clear sky Clear sky 21°C

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Open all year

- January to March :  tuesday to saturday  9;30am-12am & 3pm - 5pm

- April, May, June & September  : tuesday to saturday  9;30am-1pm & 2pm - 8pm

- July, August : Open everyday  9:30am-1 pm & 2pm - 6pm 

 - October, November & December : tuesday to saturday  9.30am-12am & 3pm - 5pm

Closed on 1st of November, 25th of december & 1st of january

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