What to do if it ... 

-> Rains

Bad luck! You’ve chosen the only rainy week in the whole year (we’re not even exaggerating).  Don’t panic! There are lots of indoor activities for children: 

- one or several of our tours: an exhibition at the Musée de Lodève, the Manufacture de la Savonnerie, and also the Grotte de Labeil and the Prieuré Saint Michel de Grandmont. 

- a refreshing stop in our restaurants: So you don’t miss our ‘cirques’ either, visit one of our panoramic restaurants -> the Auberge de la Baume Auriol in Navacelles or the restaurant at the Grotte de Labeil. 

- a Lodévois and Larzac region seasonal show 


-> It’s really (really) hot

The Lodévois and Larzac region can be really hot sometimes during the summer.

 Enjoy activities in the cool:

- a visit to the museum and its new permanent circuits
 - a swim in the supervised zone in the Baie Les Vailhés at Salagou Lake, in the swimming pool in Lodève or in the pool where you’re staying!
 - a little safari into the galleries of the grottos
 - a tour of our heritage sites (the Prieuré Saint Michel de Grandmont and its monastery, Saint Fulcran's Cathedral and many others
 - have an iced drink or snack in one of our restaurants or bars.


Office de Tourisme LODEVOIS ET LARZAC

7, Place du Rialto
34700 LODEVE

+33(0)4 67 88 86 44

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wed. 18 sep. Fair Fair 14°C

Opening time

Open all year

- January to March :  tuesday to saturday  9;30am-12am & 3pm - 5pm

- April, May, June & September  : tuesday to saturday  9;30am-1pm & 2pm - 8pm

- July, August : Open everyday  9:30am-1 pm & 2pm - 6pm 

 - October, November & December : tuesday to saturday  9.30am-12am & 3pm - 5pm

Closed on 1st of November, 25th of december & 1st of january