In the heart of the Cirque de Navacelles, Grand Site de France, come and participate in the Fête de la Nature 2023.

On the program:

- 10:00 am: Workshops and Animations, Local market, Broc et Troc du Jardin, Exhibitions: Tiers-lieu Saint-Maurice-Navacelles.

- 10h00-12h00: Interpretation walk on the landscapes and customs of the Causse. Loop of 7-8 kilometers, easy level. Speaker: Marie Ingremeau, lecturer guide: Departure from the town hall of Campestre-et-luc.

- 14h00-16h00: Discovery walk of the GR7 path accompanied by a naturalist. Loop of 10 kilometers in the gorges of the Vis, easy level. A snack will be offered during the walk. Speaker: Alban LAURENT- Natura 2000 animator. Departure from the Hameau de Navacelles parking lot.

-14h00-18h00: The landscape in the objective on the UNESCO property of Causses and Cevennes. Exhibition at the belvederes, dedicated to the reading of the landscape and to the Photographic Observatories of the Landscape Within the Cirque de Navacelles, Grand Site de France, come and participate in the Fête de la Nature 2023. Causses et Cévennes stand: Belvedere of Blandas*

- 14h00-18h00: Let's protect the habitats of the Causse de Blandas. Thanks to our workshops on stands, an escape game and a small walk, the habitats and biodiversity of the Causses will no longer have any secrets for you. You will also discover the regional and exotic fauna: insects, arachnids and reptiles thanks to the exhibition of live animals. Intervening: La Cicindèle, Graine de Jade, Le CPIE des Causses Mériodionaux: Belvédère de Blandas.

- 4:00 pm: Let's protect the habitats of the Causse du Blandas: Through a short walk accessible to all, we will be particularly interested in trees, their history, what they bring to us, and their interaction with all the living and non-living things that surround us. It will be an opportunity to identify them and learn some keys to recognize them.
ON RESERVATION: contact@cpie-causses.org
Intervener: Paysarbre.
Blandas, place de l'Eglise

- 17h00: From beak to feather. Joelle from the association Art et Nature proposes to young and old to discover the spring birds. On the program, listening to bird songs, creation of birds from elements of nature and staging of these birds.
ON RESERVATION: contact@cpie-causses.org
Tiers Lieu Saint-Maurice-Navacelles.

Dates of the festivities

the 27/05/2023
from 10h00 to 17h00


tiers-lieu saint-maurice-navacelles

GPS coordinates : 43.84668 / 3.51863

Means of communication

Means of communication (reservation)


Reception of groups : no


  • Local animation

Mandatory reservation


Office de Tourisme LODEVOIS ET LARZAC

7, Place du Rialto
34700 LODEVE

+33(0)4 67 88 86 44

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sat. 27 jul. Fair Fair 26°C

Opening time

Open all year

- January to March :  tuesday to saturday  9;30am-12am & 3pm - 5pm

- April, May, June & September  : tuesday to saturday  9;30am-1pm & 2pm - 8pm

- July, August : Open everyday  9:30am-1 pm & 2pm - 6pm 

 - October, November & December : tuesday to saturday  9.30am-12am & 3pm - 5pm

Closed on 1st of November, 25th of december & 1st of january

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