Caracol Company

Artistic exploration at the water's edge
Duration : 1h30
From 10 years old
Online reservation, limited places
RDV in front of the Church - Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquière

Water stories in Lodévois Larzac
Résurgence takes up the environmental theme and proposes two artistic events that put water and biodiversity in the spotlight. It is also the occasion to promote the
it is also an opportunity to promote the work undertaken by the inter-communal water service of Lodévois Larzac (SIELL) around the preservation of water resources. The latter, through its GEMAPI (Management of aquatic environments and flood prevention) competence, is launching studies to improve the ecological functioning of watercourses in village crossings. This approach aims to implement concrete actions (works, awareness, changes in practices) for the benefit of the territory's rivers.

Thirsty! The Water Tarot is a meeting at the water's edge that combines the imagination of tales and legends, scientific knowledge and the questioning of local customs and practices to explore "our thirsts".

The Caracol company will take you along the path of the fishing rods to discover a water point.
Using certain symbolic figures from the world of water, such as the navigator, the dowser, the amphibian or the tides, they will "draw the tarot" to tell you about this site and present its facets.
Water is an essential issue and also constitutes this common thing that links all living beings. It is a gift that connects us. It is this link and this interdependence that the artists propose to you to
question and explore
Thirsty! The tarot of waters praises water, its primary quality: that of relationship. "What are we thirsty for?

And around :
Papote and popote organized by the commune of Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquière.

Dates of the festivities

the 27/05/2023
at 10h30

the 27/05/2023
at 17h00


Devant l'église
Rue de l'Église

GPS coordinates : 43.7151625 / 3.4233248

Means of communication


Reception of groups : no


  • Local animation
  • Hike/walk

Free entry


Mandatory reservation


Office de Tourisme LODEVOIS ET LARZAC

7, Place du Rialto
34700 LODEVE

+33(0)4 67 88 86 44

Contact us

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sat. 27 jul. Fair Fair 26°C

Opening time

Open all year

- January to March :  tuesday to saturday  9;30am-12am & 3pm - 5pm

- April, May, June & September  : tuesday to saturday  9;30am-1pm & 2pm - 8pm

- July, August : Open everyday  9:30am-1 pm & 2pm - 6pm 

 - October, November & December : tuesday to saturday  9.30am-12am & 3pm - 5pm

Closed on 1st of November, 25th of december & 1st of january

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